Happy New Year!

One year ends and another begins, the transition from the old to the new is flawless, only observable as the briefest pause, like that between each inhalation and exhalation. These cycles go on into eternity. Think of all the life cycles you’ve had within this life, each year, each period in one occupation, or another, living in one place or another, various interests, this rich tapestry of your life.

In Yoga and Tantra, it is indicated that billions of years occur in just the one blink of Shiva’s eyes.
Just imagine the scale of that, the lives of countless beings, universes coming and going, stars being born and then dying.
This is all happening constantly, on both the microcosmic and macrocosmic level.

In just the same way that that all occurs in the blink of Shiva’s eye, this life we have moves like this, also in the proverbial blink of an eye too. What a majestic occurrence.

Happy new year!

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